Six men sit around a table. A projector is displaying a marketing presentation on the screen.
BREWER 1: What the fuck is this shit about?
BREWER 2: Who fucking cares? Free beer!
BREWER 1: Hey shitdouche, you work in a brewery! You drink free beer all the time!
BREWER 2: You're just jealous because I got the fucking good stuff!
KEN GROSSMAN: Hey! Every beer we make is "good stuff"
BREWER 1: Yes, sir...
BREWER 2 (in unison): Yes, sir...
MARKETING WEENIE: Ok folks, let's get started. We here in Marketing are proud to debut the label designs for our new Holiday ale.
BREWER 1 and BREWER 2 start fidgeting anxiously.
KEN GROSSMAN: Great! What's it called?
MARKETING WEENIE:Picture this: A quaint little cottage in the countryside. Surrounded by evergreens, snow adorns its roof, smoke curling up from its chimney...
HEAD BREWER: Hey, shit-for-brains, he asked what it was called.
MARKETING WEENIE sighs, pausing for effect.
MARKETING WEENIE: It's called... Celebration.
KEN GROSSMAN: Love it, love it, love it. Let's go home.
MARKETING WEENIE: Well, wait, shouldn't we try tasting it first?
KEN GROSSMAN: Holy shit, yeah, duh, forgot about that. Where is it? All I see in this bucket here is a bunch of pale ales and IPAs.
BREWER 1 (under his breath): Fuuuuuuuuuuck
BREWER 2: What the fuck are we talking about here?
MARKETING WEENIE: You guys were supposed to bring a few bottles of the new holiday ale for us to taste.
BREWER 1: Yeah... so, uh, we didn't brew any.
HEAD BREWER: What!? So what the fuck is in all those fucking beer tanks out there!?
BREWER 2: It's actually a pretty bitchin' IPA.
HEAD BREWER: What about all the cinnamon and nutmeg we were going to brew it with?
BREWER 1: Brewer 2 heard a rumor it would get him high...
HEAD BREWER: That's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard.
BREWER 2: Duuuude, it totally works.
MARKETING WEENIE (in unison):This is unbelievable. You assholes should be fired!
KEN GROSSMAN: Eh, not so fast. Do you still have any?
BREWER 2: What, cinnamon?
KEN GROSSMAN: Yeah, let's fire that shit up!
HEAD BREWER: I'm game.
MARKETING WEENIE: So what are we going to do about the holiday ale?
BREWER 1: Shit, man, bottle that IPA and slap those Celebration labels on it. Done. This ain't fuckin rocket science.
KEN GROSSMAN: You guys are fucking brilliant. I'm giving you all raises.
MARKETING WEENIE: This is amazing.
KEN GROSSMAN: Except for you, you're fired.

MARK: Yeah, so it's pretty good, but I have no idea what makes this a winter seasonal. Pours a nice clear amber red color, with a solid, light colored head. Typical IPA smell of malt and hops, and a taste to match. Nice citrusy start, dry bready bitterness in the finish. There's absolutely nothing about this that screams "Holiday" (except for the label), but it's a good beer. B+
Beer Nerd Details: 6.8% ABV bottled (12 oz). Drank from a tulip glass.
So I'm looking forward to Sierra Nevada's upcoming summer seasonal, a Russian Imperial Stout. (What? That makes about as much sense as this one!)
Update: This should go without saying, but I obviously don't think Ken Grossman (and his brewers) is a cinnamon snorting addict. However, I do think it would be funny if he was.
Again Update: Apparently I missed the opportunity to make fun of Sierra Nevada's "green" industry practices (which are praiseworthy, to be sure, but also probably ripe for hijinks).