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Lakewood The Temptress

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Is drinking a beer out of the same brewery's glassware kinda like wearing a band's t-shirt to their concert? Enquiring minds want to know. Or not, because I did it anyway. This is another Texas beer from that BIF trade, and my sender kindly included some fancy schmancy glassware too. It's an imperial milk stout brewed with vanilla:

Lakewood The Temptress

Lakewood The Temptress - Pours a very dark brown color with a finger of khaki head. Smells sweet, plenty of caramel and lots of vanilla. Taste follows the nose, lots of sweetness, caramelized sugar, and that vanilla coming through loud and clear. Just a hint of toasted malt. Lots of flavor, but not a lot of roast, and very little bitterness. Mouthfeel is full bodied, rich, creamy, and chewy. It has that creamy milk stout feel from the lactose. Well carbonated. Overall, could perhaps use a little more balance (it's very sweet), but on the other hand, this is my kinda stout and a great dessert beer. B+

Beer Nerd Details: 9.1% ABV bottled (12 oz.) Drank out of a tulip glass on 5/11/13.

More BIF goodies to come, though alas, no more Lakewood. Naturally, they make a bourbon barrel aged version of this, and I'd be curious to see if that sweetness dominates or if the rich oak character would tone it down some. Could go either way. Of course, I'll most likely never see that beer, but still, would be interesting.


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